Route rental car in Saint Joseph's caves - Vall de Uxo
Visit to Saint Joseph's Caves
Saint Joseph's cave is in reality an underground navigable river the largest in Europe, situated in the locality of Vall de Uxó within Sierra Espardán natural park It was discovered in 1902 eventhough there is proof that it has existed for 17.000 years, thanks to the archaeological sites found in the entrance of the cave. The cave is equiped with boats so it can be visited in the inside, and it crosses the different caverns that cover the river.

The first cavern is the cavern of the bats, It is called this way because of the amount of bats that lived there in the past.Through The lover's pathway you have access to Diana's lake where you can find many areas full of moss due to the artificial light. From there we go towards an artificial tunnel 60 meters long called La Galería de los Sifones. From the second pier we can visit the dry gallery where you can find theflower waterfall, to end up in the cathedral hall, thaus called because of the height of the vault and populated by stalactites like la Medusa. The place also provides outdoor activities such as pools, children's areas, restaurants, picnic areas, auditorium.
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