Are you a #musicontheroad #roadlover ?

Music, the road and friends. There is no better combination for a good trip. You only need to hear someone mention those three to start recalling your good soundtrack-enhanced memories.
The trip with friends to that festival, that quick getaway to see your favorite band in a city nearby or that song that marked the first trip with your significant other. All of them were special, and they all bring to your memory (and almost always have you singing) the songs that played at that time, the songs that in those days of road and adventure became a hymn for you all.
Things have changed a lot, but even family trips were already marked by the tracks recorded in the old and reused cassettes that barely sounded on the car's player. Cassettes, walk-mans, disc-mans, pen-drives, Spotify, …many gadgets passed through our lives, but the essence is always the same: a car trip, a group of friends, good music (at least at that moment you thought so) and some throats ready to go home hoarse.
This is not about musical styles, favorite groups or singers, or even about the quality of the music. Whatever your favorite band or music genre, you always carry your music with you, but when it comes to traveling, there is no other chance: music is a must.
Driving routes for #musicontheroad #roadlovers
Take note of the best car hire driving routes for #musicontheroad #roadlovers.